Welcome to Fox Creek Elementary, a neighborhood school that uses the EL Education (formerly Expeditionary Learning) model to provide a rigorous and exciting education to our pre k - 6th grade students. When you walk through our doors you are immediately surrounded by the bright colors of student artwork, you hear the hum of students collaborating and grappling on authentic, rigorous work and you feel like you are a member of our crew. The staff of FCE focuses on the education of the whole child, so academic instruction has equal footing with character development and community contribution. As an EL Education School our children learn through deeply meaningful and authentic learning expeditions. Student engagement and ownership of their learning is extremely high because of the learning expedition approach. Students work both in teams and on their own, engaging in long-term projects that incorporate science, social studies, reading, writing, and mathematics. Our students present their learning multiple times a year to various audiences which raises the significance, or importance, of what they do.
A positive school culture is present at Fox Creek by our strong sense of crew. Students, parents, staff and guests can feel it from the moment you walk through our doors. We often hear that the sense of connection and community that exists at FCE is like no other building that people have worked in. That is due in large part because we have crew structures in place for everyone. We spend time together, listening, problem solving, celebrating, grappling, learning and honoring one another for who we authentically are.
Student ownership is a giant component in our school. We ask kids to help create norms and expectations in their classrooms, review, critique and edit their work with each other, and engage in restorative conversations. Every student has a YO (younger/older) buddy where they build strong relationships, serve as mentors, help with work and support each other in other ways during the year. Over a fourth of our students are involved in some type of schoolwide leadership role (Link Crew, Peer Mentors, Health and Wellness and JEDI). At Fox Creek, our mission is that “We are united in providing an authentic, rigorous, and equitable education to intentionally grow the head, heart and hands of ALL.” We have advanced this through the three dimensions of student achievement. We use the EL Modules to provide a rigorous curriculum for our students, we utilize the EL character framework and we believe in the tenants of high quality work.