Wellness at Fox Creek

Fox Creek Elementary is one of three Douglas County schools to be recognized for being a Healthy School Champion and creating a healthy Colorado school. Brian and Cindy have created a Student Lead Health Team at our school that helps to drive some of the current changes that have been made. This past year we implemented non-food birthday celebrations/rewards, and our students reinforced the school rule of no sodas or sugary drinks at school.

Students hiking near lake.

Wellness has always been a significant part of the Fox Creek culture. We have two Coordinated School Health Co Leaders, Brian Gill and Cindy Townsend. Brian and Cindy bring a huge amount of passion and motivation to the topic of wellness. These leaders use the program's resources and information, and their own expertise and energy, to help make Fox Creek a healthy place to work and learn. 

2016-17 Student Lead Health Team Crew was very busy. We started off the year reviving our BOWOW program, Bike or Walk on Wednesday. Our students kicked off the program to the whole school at our North Star Assembly, we have some great speakers! Our students also worked to introduce the idea of Stop Light Foods as a guide for school snacks. The group created reminder posters for each grade level and then in groups went into each classroom to present the idea. We are hoping that with the education of good foods to choose for school snacks, our schools health will excel. The group has been asked to lead most of our movement breaks in the all school North Star assemblies, and created skits for each grade level lunch, to remind students "no sodas at school". We are so proud of all the work they have done this year, we will celebrate our successes with a beautiful hike at the end of the school year.


  • Kids Running America in the fall- coordinated by Brian Gill and Tamera Richmond (and their many parent volunteer coaches)

  • Student Yoga after winter break- coordinated by PJ Fisher and Crystal Winter

  • Regular movement breaks in the classroom. "Fit Sticks", GoNoodle.com, and brain break movements, are all tools for classroom teachers to use to incorporate regular movement in the classroom for better learning, brain health, and wellness.

  • STOP Light Food healthy snacks encouraged in the classroom.

  • Fazio's Farm garden used as a tool to educate our students and community of the benefits of healthy eating and the cause and effect of the natural world. 

  •  Each Classroom has Togetherness Time.



  • Wednesday Move Day - staff wear workout gear, promote the importance of wellness, and can attend a fitness class after school.

  • Weekly wellness email from our School Health Co Leaders.

  • Staff Yoga class held every Thursday after school

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